Thursday, 14 February 2013

Valentine’s Day

Now as you can guess today is Valentine’s day and like everyone else that has someone special in their lives I will be spending today with my other half but before I do, I thought that I would spend some time talking to you about what Valentine’s day is and what it means to everyone.

First of all I should point out that Valentine’s Day comes from very early Christian saint called Valentinus, who would married off solider to lovers that they were forbidden to be with and because of this he was imprisoned for his actions, it was also believed that when Valentinus passed away he had wrote down the words “from your Valentine”. It wasn’t until the 15th century that Valentine’s Day became known as a day of love around the world and that the idea of giving cards and gifts wasn’t introduced until the 19th century.

As you can see the meaning of today has always been about love and that all time has done is given us away in which we can express it more clearly to one another.

For me Valentine’s Day has become something of a hallmark day in which card companies and allsorts find away to hike up prices to increase their bottom line and that the media makes out that if you want a happy relationship you need to spend a lot of money. As I said in my last post I don’t have a problem with the day but I do have a problem with money side of it.

Love does not have to cost a fortune, just look at the way in which the Japanese celebrate today, they believe that the 14th February is where all the woman in Japan give their male lovers or the person that doesn’t know they like them chocolates and that the males get to repay this on the 14th of March by giving them a gift that isn’t chocolate.

The only problem that I do have with this is that I am not a massive fan of chocolate but on the plus it keeps cost low and it also gives you more time to think about what you can get that person in return, (that is if you want to but as this is Japan and as there people are very proud you would still return the good gesture in your own way).

Sometimes the best part about Valentine’s Day is receiving a gift or a card from someone that hasn’t left their name or you didn’t know like you in that way. Too me this can be very romantic because if you are unsure to begin with you can sit from afar and see what happens because if they are interest then you can make a move and if they are not you can just let it go.

But there is always one thing that companies forget to tell you and that is love is not to be shown on just this one day, we should all take some time out from our busy lives and make time to show the ones we love or like that we want to be with them.

For me I am now going to get everything ready for a nice romantic night in with the other half, so until next time.

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