Thursday, 28 February 2013

Shall we have a talk?

Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with one of my friends about sex, as I have said in some of my past blogs, we as a country tend not to talk too much about sex and that when we do we seem to get this idea that we need to exaggerate everything that we have done.

A big part of sex is that everyone has different likes and dislikes and because of this it can be hard to keep a relationship going, a good example of this is that me and my friend both know what we like when it comes to the bedroom but we discovered this by sleeping with many different partners. I should also point out that the two of us discovered this at a different partner numbers (the number of people we have slept with.) With this information we have tried to find partners that like what we like or are willing to try what we like.  

The thing is that if you are unsure of what you like when it comes to sex you don’t have to worry about it because as I just said everyone is different and it can take time for you to discover what turns you on.

It also brings me to the question about how much sex is needed to make a good relationship? The problem with this question is that everyone again is different and because of this one person could say that having sex everyday is good for their relationship while someone else might say that twice a week is good enough for them. As I said in my reflection blog, last year wasn’t the best of years for me and partner but this year I am doing everything that I can to make up for lost time and to get the ball rolling I had to be very blunt about it.

I should mention that it isn’t always best to do it that way because it could back fire on you but at the same time being blunt about some things might open both your eyes to what needs to be done in the first place.

Now when it comes to talking about sex you just need to be upfront and honest about it, there is no point in going over board by telling stories that aren’t true or have been exaggerate because there could be a time that you meet up with someone that you want to sleep with and that when you do finally sleep with them they could discovers that you aren’t as good as you made yourself out to be. Plus we all know that at some point in the relationship the question about how many people you have slept with will come up so again just be honest about it.

It is also good to talk about sex with those that are close to you because you might be able to learn something from them which you might like to try out with your partner but if that is the case try to make a point of not telling them where you heard or knew about this because again it could open up a can of worms that you might not be able to answer and in turn could end the relationship.

Sex has and will always be about showing someone what you like and dislike while at the same time pleasuring one another but when it comes to long term relationships and sex, talking with your partner and asking what they would like to do or try is a very helpful thing to do and again if they don’t know what they like then talk to them about it and see what they feel comfortable doing.

If you are still stuck for idea’s, watching a bit of porn can help out but remember that not everything in porn is as good as they make it out and like with all things watching it all the time when you are together could end up creating a problem that you might have to answer for.

At the end of the day sex is a very important part of any relationship and that if you want the relationship to last and stay healthy then you are going to need to talking about sex and if there is something that you don’t like or you are not comfortable with then again talk about it before hand.

Until Next Time.  

The last and most important thing to think about and something that I should also point out is that if you are having sex think about using some form of protection so that you don’t wake up one morning with a something you didn’t want.

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