Friday, 26 April 2013

We all have one

Here’s a question for everyone, do you have a friend or know someone that goes out of their way to annoy everyone around them, by telling them all the same story or a problem that they may have.

If you do, then you already know how I feel when I end up in this situation and if not then I will try and explain it to you, once you have heard said story more than twice you tend to at first just switch off and say a few words here and there when needed in a hopes that they well hurry up. Then if you hear the story a few more times you started to get annoyed, begin to feel your blood boil, you just completely switch off  and don’t say anything in a hopes that they will just shut up.

Now you might be asking yourself why have, I chosen this topic for this week blog and the reason is because I have now reached a point in my life where I can’t take anymore of this crap and I hope to make others aware that there are two groups that make up this people. The first group are the ones that tell the same story each and every time and the second group are those that have a problem with another person and want to tell everyone why they have a problem with said person.

Now the first group that I will be looking at are the ones that spend all their time talking about the same stories over and over again, I just can’t understand why someone would want to spend all that time retelling the same story. I understand the fact that when you meet someone new and they make a comment about something that relates to said story you feel like telling them about it but have you ever through about not telling them straight away. I should also point out that these stories can be funny and make up who you are but at the same time it can get a bit boring for those that already heard it.

The last group are those that talk about those they have a problem with.  I know that we are all victims of this one because I know that I too have done it in the past but I know that only my closest friends have been told about it and if they ask about said person I will talk about it but otherwise I try not to. The problem I have are the ones that like to update you every minute something new comes to light and these are the ones that annoy me the most.

If you happen to be one of the ones that do have a problem with someone else then take a bit of my advice, If you do have a problem with someone else then go over to them and talk to them about the problem and if you don’t want to do then just ignore them.

I understand that we all have stories that we all want to tell others about, we all have disagreements with others and that it is easier to talk to your closes friends about it but ask yourself one question, do they want to hear about it each time you meet them? We all have to get things off our chest but find out first which friends what to hear about it first before you tell everyone.

Until Next Time

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Today I am going to spend a bit of time talking about something we are all good at but at the same time not good at following up and that is giving and acting upon advice.

If there is one thing that we are all good at doing is giving advice to other when they need it and I will confess that if there is someone that asks for my advice I will gladly give it. The two things that I have also noticed with this is the fact that we tend to not act upon the advice that has been given to us and second that when we end up in the same situation that we have once given advice on before we tend not to use our own advice, so why is this?

Now to answer the last part of that question is very easy because I remember being told by someone that we tend not to like using the same advice that we have given to someone else due to the fact of us not knowing what the consequences are. The other part you also have to remember is that if we do decided to use our own advice we have no one else but ourselves to blame if everything goes wrong and that is something we as a species don’t like doing because we like to blame others for our mistakes (most of the time).

So why do we enjoy giving others advice on other people’s problems to begin with, the reason behind this is because we like to see how they would handle themselves in the same problem and second to see if they can see something that we can’t see or can see but don’t want to admit to ourselves.

An example of what I am mean is if we take one of my ex-girlfriend, the two of us were in an on again and off again relationship for the whole relationship. I knew from the very first break up that the relationship wasn’t for me and that was due to the fact that I wanted more from the relationship than what she was going to give me. So when I took the time to talk to my friends about it they all said the same thing that I had said, about how she wasn’t right for me and that they also believed that she was using me which could have been true.

As you can see from the example my friends got the idea that she was using me which could have been true but was something that I didn’t see right away (but when I look back at it I could see what they meant), they also said that the relationship wasn’t for me. Now when it came to giving out advice on the subject they said I should one dump her and find someone else and second was that I should confront her and tell her what I wanted from the relationship.

I will be the first to admit that both of this came to mind but at the same time I also dismissed the second option due to the fact that the two of us had spoken at the beginning of the relationship about what we wanted out of the relationship and at the beginning we both wanted the same thing but we just couldn’t get it to work which left the whole dumping part.

If I dumped her I already knew what the outcome was going to be but I didn’t want to go with that advice or my own advice to dump her because part of me was comfortable with the way the relationship was when we did get back together.

So as you can see from my example it is easy to tell another person that you trust what the problem is and for them to give you advice on what you should do in that situation but when it comes to acting on it you may not act on it because you are afraid of what the outcomes could be or you could be happy with the way things are.

At the end of the day we all act to problems differently and we also like to see how other would act in the same situation as us, when it comes to giving out and using advice it comes down to what you really want to do, if you are happy with the way things are you won’t do anything and if you want to change things you will act on the advice of other or lastly if it gets too much you could just make the decision yourself.

Until Next Time

Friday, 12 April 2013

Can we really achieve this?

Last week’s blog was about me reviewing on the final three pieces of DLC for Mass Effect 3 and what you might not know is that after I completed the Citadel DLC I felt sad. It wasn’t because I knew it was the end of the series and the last time I will see this characters but it was because throughout this whole month and up until that last sense I had noticed something that my life and others where lacking. Before you turn away and say that this is going to be another topic on Mass Effect it isn’t but I am going to use this scene to paint you a picture of what I am trying to get at and then talk about what it all means.

The scene in question takes place right at the of the Citadel DLC, After you have completed all the mission and thrown the party, you are then asked to return to the Normandy where when you active this cut scene you are give a scene where you, the crew and your love interest have one last look at your ship and a talk. If your love interest is with you, you are shown a moment of pure love that those two characters have for one another.

To make the point even more I will also us this quote from a song “If it’s not like the movies, That’s how it should be,”

For those that are unaware this is a Katy Perry song that talks about how love should be like the movies and if you have seen a any romantic films you will have seen what Katy Perry is singing about, in which they have such great love for one another and then at the end of the movie go on to have that “happy ever after” scene.

Now a lot of people will say that this is a fantasy that the media wants us to believe is true but in real life it isn’t and I would like to agree with you but there is a time in everyone relationship in which they do get to experience this.

All relationships start off with the two of you chasing after one another so that you can get to go on a date with said person and by the time you arrive at the second or third date, feeling start to boil and the relationship starts to get going. From this point on you both start showing your raw emotions and passion for one another and you are doing everything you can to keep that spark alive and this to me is the part that the movies are talking about.

Now you may disagree with me which is your right to but I know that I have experienced this within my own my relationships and I have also seen those in their own relationship experience it too but somewhere along the line it just stops and you both become comfortable with one another and in the process the romance just dies and then the following situation could happen.

Have you ever been with your other half when he or she asks you the following question “Do you love me?” and your answer is always yes but here is the kicker, are you saying yes to this question because it is true or are you saying yes so that the two of you don’t end up in and argument but you do love them but you know something is missing from your relationship.

If it is the latter part then you have just arrived at what every relationship gets to at some point, where the “happy ever after” is gone and that is because you both have become too comfortable with one another.

When you arrive at this point in the relationship it is very hard to get out of it and I know that there are books and articles all over the place that will tell you that the two of you need to make time for your relationship and everything else but the true is that, there are only so many romantic dinners you can go out on or cook for your other half when you have to come to the conclusion that nothing is working.

The think that I am trying to get at here is that it took god only knows how many shows, movies and games for me to see that we all have experienced this kind of love at least once in our lives and that if you want to have that long last relationship with the “happy ever after“, like the movies you are trying to show us then you both are going to need to keep working on your relationship.

Until Next Time

Katy Perry – Not Like the Movies

Mass Effect 3 scene in question, see from 5:40

Friday, 5 April 2013

If it was only possible

This week marks the conclusion of my Mass Effect March and yes I know that it is April but I had five topics planned for the five Fridays of March but I only started releasing content from 8th of March, so you could say that the month ends on the 8th April but enough of my babbling on, let’s get on with this week’s topic.

For those that have been following the Mass Effect series you would have know that at the beginning of last month Bioware released the last pieces of Downloadable Content (DLC) for the series which also means that the series has now come to some kind of an end for the time being. At the same time you might have also noticed that within my blogs I have pointed out that I haven’t yet played any of the new Mass Effect 3 DLC that has been released since the first pack (From Ashes DLC). The reasoning behind this is because I like to play the game as a whole and if I know that there was still going to be DLC released later down the line then I would wait until it has all been released before playing it all.

The way in which this will work is that I will go thought each one on of the DLC packs in the order that they were released and give them a brief overview of what the pack is about while trying not to spoil it too much (So there could be spoilers for those that haven’t played the DLC yet). After that I will then tell you what I thought about the pack and then move on to the question that always comes up with any DLC, should the pack be DLC or if it should have been on the disk when it was released.

First up we have the Leviathan DLC which puts us on a mission to find out as much as we can about the history of the Reapers. This DLC is related to the main story of Mass Effect 3 and has been pulled of very well due to the fact that it answers a lot of the questions that you may have had at the end of Mass Effect 3. The only drawback I had with this DLC pack was the fact that a lot of what I believed to be correct was correct but at the same time it took away some of what I believed to be true too as well but at the end of the day we now know all most all of the answers to the end now. For if this should have been DLC or on the disk to begin with I would have to say this should have been on the disk when the game was released due to the fact that this piece of DLC is part of the main story of Mass Effect and because of that this should have been included on the disk and not sold as DLC.

Next up on the chopping board is the Omega DLC, this piece of DLC covers what happens to Omega between Mass Effect 2 and 3 and was something that was set up and played out within the novels and graphic novels of the series. The main focus of this DLC Pack is to help Aria T’Loak get back her station that was taken from her by Cerberus, did I enjoy this DLC pack the answer to that question is a mixture of both yes and no. The reason for my answer is when you play Mass Effect 3 before the DLC came out there was a mission in which you needed to get all three factions on Aria’s side so if you did that you knew that you would have to take back Omega but after completing that mission nothing else happened, so you kind of knew this was coming. The reason that I liked this DLC is because it was nice to return to some of the areas that you spend a large amount of your time in, in the second game and plus it also good to see how far both sides were willing to go to keep or get back the  station. When it comes to the question if this should have been DLC or on the disk when the game was first released my answer would be that this should have been DLC from the beginning and that includes the faction mission that was in the main game. The reason for this is because this story was set up in novels and graphic novels and because of this it should have been treated as an add-on to begin with.

The final and last piece of DLC that has been released is called the Citadel, in short this DLC is made up of two parts, the first parts has you  trying to stop a terrorist organisation from trying to kill and the second part is a massive get together with everyone. When it comes to saying how good this DLC pack is I just can’t create a sentence that would give it any justice so I will break it down into just words. It is changeling, comical, Interesting, referential, emotional and a love letter from the creators that I enjoyed playing every minute of. Should this have been DLC or been released on the disk, my answer would have to be DLC and that is because it doesn’t add anything to the story and second it is a laugh that stays within character that was needed for a game that spends a lot of time being serious and emotional.

To bring this Mass Effect March to a close my final thoughts are more along the lines of a thank you, a recommendation and a request. First of all I would like to thank those that have taken the time to read everything that I written down in the last five weeks along with thanking everyone at Bioware for creating sure a great piece of art that I and so many others have been able to enjoy. I would also like to recommend to anyone that hasn’t played or read any form of the series to go and do so and the last thing that I would like to ask even though I know that it may be impossible to do and that is to create a novelisation of all three games. I know that a lot of people would disagree with this at first but to have a story as good as this and not in a novelisation would be a crime, plus if it was you would then be able to find out what the correct story path would be and you could take it away from the television if you wanted to carry on the story. As I said this would be impossible but you never know it could happen in about ten years or so but who knows.

Thank you again and until next time.