Monday, 21 January 2013

Story Time

This week I wanted to take some time out to talk about what is involved in trying to create a story that everyone wants to read. The first thing that I would like to mention is that this is from my point of view in which I used to create my own story and that every writer has their own way in which they do it.

The reason that I wanted to write about this topic is because this will be the template to coming topic that I want to talk about later on in the year when I look at other stories plus I have this feeling that a lot of people don’t realise how much work really goes into writing and creating their own story.

Now the reason that I wanted to write stories is because I have spent a lot of my life reading, watching and playing all different types of stories and I have found that it is because of these story and the way in which they are down that keeps on bring me back to them later down then line.

As I said moments ago ever write has a different way in which they go about writing their own stories and that can also be said for the way in which they create their own ideas too. If you have been reading any of my blog’s as of late you might have noticed that I have spoken about writing my own story and that I would like to get in published some day.

When creating any type of story the first thing that anyone needs to do is to work out what the story is about and how it will end. The reason that I believe that this is very important is because you at least know where it is going. For me the end of my story came to me when I was seating in a car trying to break up with my girlfriend at the time, let’s just say we didn’t break up then because I wanted to get home as soon as possible to write down every that came to me at that point. The moment that I got home I grabbed a bit of paper and to start writing everything that I could remember of how the story was going to end, all I placed on the piece of paper was the outline of how it was going to end, I had no location or  character names in place that this time.

Once I had written this down I then got another piece of paper and started to write down who were going to be the bad guy, good guy Locations, ages, what made up them who they were and what could happen afterwards. The reasoning behind all this was so that I could get all of this within my story and to have some idea where the story could go if I wanted to write anymore stories.

With this basic information I knew that I could start out lining the direction in which my story was going to take. The best way that I found to do this was to get a note book and do bullet points of what I believed was going to happen and in what order. This is what I would like to call the beginning of story structure because once I had completed it I now had an outline of what was going to happen and when, all that I had to do now was to fill in the blanks.

As you can see before I had even started writing my own story I had a lot of work to do before hand, think about the amount of pre production that film makes have to do before they start shooting their film. The time that It took me to get all of this information down was about a week.

The hardest part that I discovered when I started writing the story was trying to get everything that I had put into my notes into the story, the reason that is hard is because deep down you want everything to go into it but some time when you start to write up parts of the story it just doesn’t flow very well so it is sometimes easier to take it out or change things round so that it still flows.

Now you might be ask why did I have so many notes before I started writing and the answer to that question is I don’t have the best memory and second was so that I had some kind of record that I could keep going back to.

I do hope that by reading this that everyone can see that there is a lot of work that does go into creating a great story and those that create these stories have the right to tell it the way they want to because it is their idea to begin with.

Until next time.

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