Thursday, 3 January 2013

New Year’s Resolutions

I guess it is time to welcome everyone to what is to be the start of a New Year and unlike last year it has two digits that makes up a number that not everyone likes and believes is unlucky, welcome to 2013.

Now if you have been read any of my blog’s since I started then I hope you have learned at least two things, one being that I am not superstitious person and two you have the power to create and choice what type of year you are going to have.

What I mean by this is that you have the ability to choice if you are going to have a good year or not and that if you spend the next year believing something is going to go wrong then you are more likely to make that come true. So let’s forget that we have a thirteen in the year and start making this year like the years before or better and if something does go wrong pick yourself up and move on.

Now there is always one thing that everyone tries to do before the New Year and then attempt them at the beginning of the year and those are called New Year’s Resolutions. Now I will be the first to admit that in the last two years I have done very badly and I have forgotten about them after about a month or two but this year I hope to us my blog as away to keep them going.

The way in which I want to do this is that I am going to set myself some goals for this blog, an example of this would be to create two blogs a month. Once I have laid out what I want from this blog I will then talk about my New Year’s Resolutions and how I will achieve them and keep a log of my process though out the year.

This blog well be staying the same as it always has but the only difference is that the blogs will have some form of structure to it unlike before. A good example of this would be that I may take a few weeks to go over a topic that has a lot of information in it or is very important to me. I am also hoping to at least cover a minimum of three topics a month with at least one of those being a look back at my progress so far with my New Year’s resolutions.

The last time that I took a New Year’s Resolutions seriously was back in 2010 and to the most part I did very well with them even with everything that happened to me that year. The last two years I have started them but somewhere along the line I just stopped because I believed that I wasn’t going complete them but this time round I will go in trying to succeed as best as possible.

The first one on my list is one that everyone goes for each year and each year we all give up or get nowhere close so my plan is to set myself a weight goal that I want to reach. As you could have guessed my first New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight but I want to weight as close too or less than 170 pounds, I should also point out that before Christmas I weighted in at 200 pounds but with Christmas comes weight gain so I have a feeling that I now weight more than I did before Christmas.

My next New Year’s Resolution is something that I bought up in last week’s blog when I spoke about films, I have always been a fan of films but last year I saw less new released films than I have ever seen in previous years so my action plan is to watch at least one new released film each month.
So what should my next resolution be? Well the next one is going to be a personal one but as my blog will be heading in this direction soon and it has been a topic that I have touch on once or twice before so I should at least try and work on it. I know that I need to work on my own relationship more than I have in the past year. Before anyone says that it takes two to tango I should point out that some of what I want to cover I don’t do or I don’t do very well so if I want to preach about something I need to be at least be doing it or have experienced it.
The last two that I have in mind are ones that have been nagging at me for some time. One of them is to complete the editing that I started last year on my book and to start getting the ball rolling on trying to get it published. The last one is to play and complete Final Fantasy VII, the reason that this is on my list is due to the fact that everyone I know and everyone on the internet says that this game is one of the best of all time but back when I it was released and became very popular I did everything that I could to stay clear of it (a bit like the Assassin Creed which I am playing and enjoying at the moment.) 
So there you have it, those are my New Year’s Resolutions for this year and what I have planned for my blog too. I hope that you all have had a good New Year so far and if you have any New Year’s Resolutions that you wish to share with me then place them in comments.

Until next time

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