Thursday, 20 September 2012

What’s so special about you?

After last week’s trip down memory lane it got me thinking about another topic that I wanted to talk about which we all grow up with and to a point carries on with us throughout our lives. If you take a few moments to think about it can you remember the animal or creature that you have spend most of all of your life up to this point saying is your favourite?

The first thing I will ask you to do is to think about the first time someone ask you what your favourite animal or creature was? We have all had this conversation when we were younger but do we really know why we have chosen this animal's and what went through our minds before we came to this conclusion.

Now I will be honest with you, that I don’t really remember why I chose my favourite animal and I hope that there was nothing that swayed me when I original made that decision but I do know that there was something that did reinforce my reasoning.

Now before I get into what my favourite animal is, I will take a moment to talk about what factors I believe play a part in us making that decision. For me one of the biggest factors I believe that could help in making this decision for us is what your parents or close friends of your parents do. A good example of this would be that an old friend of mine took it upon herself to get her friends new born baby everything from clothes to toys that looked like a giraffe, which was their favourite animal.

As you can see from this example, the friend was trying to make an impact on what the baby likes from an earlier age and it has been proven with studies that babies are able to learn and relate to objects quicker and easier while they are growing up, so you could say the friend is making the choice for them. Now I also know that parents sometimes do the same thing but do it without even realising it. There is nothing wrong with this and it’s not your fault for doing this because for all you know it could be your very own human nature doing this.

The other example that I will use has nothing to do with us but with other forms of medium that we us for entertaining are children but it can also have an effect on their favourite animal and what they like and dislike throughout their lives. This medium that I am referring to is television. If you take a moment to think about it, does your favourite animal come from a television show or another medium because you might not have realised this before or you did and never gave it a second fought about it.

In my honesty opinion that is fine due to the fact you were placed in front of this medium to entertain you while your parents were doing something very import and as a by product you also may have discovered your favourite animal or creature and again this may have be your own choice.

While we are talking about entertainment medium’s here I will now take this opportunity to let you know that my favourite animal is a Hedgehog and that the Sonic the Hedgehog series helped in reinforcing my love of the animal.

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if your parents, other medium or yourself made the decision as long as you where happy with it.

Until next time

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