Monday, 6 May 2019

Avengers Endgame: Theory

First of all before reading this I would like to remind people that this theory will contain spoilers for Avengers Endgame as I will be talking about the ending of film and how I believe the MCU will now look after the film. 

With that said this is your spoiler warning.

So what is my theory
My theory is that by the end of the movie there are at least 5 timelines or realities running within the MCU that we are aware of. Before outlining what these timelines or realities are let’s talk about why I believe this. Within the film there are three sections within the film that they talk about how time travel works. 

The first one is when the Avengers and Ant-Man were talking with the Professor Hulk about time travel when he examples that if you go back in time you will not change your present as you going back in time will mean that your present will become your past and you past becomes your present. 

The second and third times are back in 2012 New York when Banner goes to the location of the Time Stone and speaks with The Ancient One who tells Banner that by taking the Time Stone from her time it would create a new reality from the current timeline and that for time to continue as normal they would need to return the Stones back to the point in time that they left.

With that laid out what are the 5 timelines or realities and what makes them all different. So that they are easy to follow they will follow this example (timeline number: Name given to them: Film that the changed happened). Once I have said what they are I will then give evidence as to why this timeline has been created.

Timeline/Reality 1: Prime MCU: Covers all the films in the MCU including Endgame

Timeline/Reality 2: World without Thanos: Guardians of the Galaxy

Timeline/Reality 3: Loki on the lose: Avengers

Timeline/Reality 4: Space Stone: After Captain America: The First Avenger before Captain Marvel

Timeline/Reality 5: Steve Rogers future: After Captain America: The First Avenger

So with the 5 timelines or realities laid out you might be asking why are there another 4 timelines and what makes them different to to the the Prime MCU timeline and my evidence are based on two point within the movie. First being the fact that Thanos has come to 2023 from 2014 and if you have seen the movie you know what happened next and the second is the scene right at the end of the film just before Captain America goes back in time to the point in which the Stone were taken. It is at this point you see a suitcase that holds all the Infinity Stones and this is important because the Tesseract and Loki Scepter are not with Captain America when he leaves but you do see that all the Infinity Stones are in their Stone forms. With that in mind the Avengers have no way to recreate Loki Scepter before the Stone was taken out and no way to recreate the Tesseract. With this information there is no way that two out of the six Infinity Stone can return to their points in time the way they were when they left and because of this it will have a knock on effect for the rest of the MCU.

Now based on what I have just said you might be asking shouldn’t this also count for the Power Stone as the container that it was in was not with Captain America when he opens up his suitcase to show the Stones? You are correct but when the Power Stone does go back you also have to take in to account other factors as well but I will go into more detail around these when I go other the timeline that covers the Power Stone.

For these timeline or realities to come into affect you have to work on the bases that Captain America went to each timeline in reserve order from which they have been taken from with Captain America staying in the past being his last stop. So Captain America time travel path should be 2014 to drop off the Soul and Power Stone, 2013 the Reality Stone, 2012 Time and Mind Stone, 1970 for the Space Stone and then finally Captain America meeting up with Peggy Carter.

So let breaks down What makes each timeline / Reality are and what event caused the Timeline to be created and why they don’t follow the Prime MCU Timeline.

Timeline 1: Prime MCU
This is the main MCU timeline and everything that has happened within with MCU films has happened and nothing has been changed due what was said by Professor Hulk along with Banner and The Ancient Ones within Endgame

TImeline 2: World without Thanos
Set in 2014 just at the start of Guardians of the Galaxy, Rhodey and Nebula take the Power Stone from it resting place while Black Widow and Hawkeye go after the Soul Stone with Thanos leaving 2014 to come to 2023. 

This timeline/reality is created the moments the Avengers arrive here due to the two Nebula’s being connected and Thanos being alerted to the avengers plan and using the time that it took for Hawkeye and Black Widow to get the Soul Stone to collect up his focus so when Nebula from 2014 returns to 2023 and used the Time device to call Thanos focus through to 2023 for the events in Endgame to take place. 

Knowing this when Captain America does come back to this time to return the Stones history has already been changed creating this timeline or reality which in turns means that the Guardians of the Galaxy movie will play out different along with Thanos never being a threat again meaning that Avengers: Infinity War would never happen.

Timeline 3: Loki on the lose
Set in 2012, Captain America, professor Hulk, Iron Man, Ant-Man go after The Tesseract, Loki Scepter and the Time Stone. The Time Stone is collected without any problems, Loki does a Runner with the Tesseract and Loki Scepter is collected.

This timeline or reality is created due to three reason, one Loki got aware with the Tesseract as seen in Endgame which means that Thor and Loki do not go back to Asgard with the Tesseract, Captain America from 2023 informed Hydra he is with them and lastly Loki Scepter is not what it was like at the end of the Avengers Movie as the Mind Stone has been removed from it. 

With all that said this means that Thor can’t start Thor The Dark World on Asgard with Loki in prison as he is somewhere else within the universe, Hydra believe that Captain America is with them which could mean that the events leading up to Captain America: The Winter Solider could play out differently. Lastly Shield and Hydra will now have the Mind Stone outside Loki Scepter which come mean that it is used in a different way to which it was leading up to start of Avenger: Age of Ultron. 

Timeline 4: Space Stone
In 2012 Captain America and Iron Man go back to 1970 to get the Tesseract and more Pym particles which they accomplish.

Captain America comes back to this time period with just the Space stone and not the Tesseract.

The change in this timeline is very similar to Timeline 3: Loki on the Loss as when Captain America bring back the Space Stone the case that surrounds the Space Stone (The Tesseract) has been destroyed and because of this Captain America is only returning the Space Stone which means that when Shield go about researching the Tesseract they now will be looking at the raw component of this which is the Space Stone which will result in how Project Pegasus plays out in Captain Marvel and what weapons shield crates in Avengers as both these films are bases on the energy realised from the Space Stone and not the Space Stone itself.

Timeline 5: Steve Rogers future: After Captain America

This is were Captain America goes back in to the past to live out his live as outlined at the end of Endgame. 

I will be up front with this timeline due to the fact that we have no idea what Peggy Carter life was like between Captain America: The First Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Solider and what we did see didn’t show much about her personal life and because of this anything that I say in this timeline will be based on assumptions.

The biggest questions we have and were not explained in the film when Captain America went back in time and if he made any changes to the past. 

When it comes to the date I am going to make the assumption and say it was the date that Captain America and Peggy Carter chose at the end of Captain America: The First Avengers and I only believe this due to the fact that Captain America said at the start of Endgame that he couldn’t move on and that he looked upset at the post credit scene of Captain America: The First Avengers about missing his date. 

Now if you take this into account the next question we have to ask is will Captain America do anything to change the timeline with the knowledge he has or will he just sit back and allow time to follow it’s normal course. I believe that Captain America would do what he could to made the world a better place for him and his future wife and the reason that I believe this is due to one of the last screens in Endgame when Captain America reappeared in the Prime MCU timeline and hands over his shield to Sam Wilson (Falcon) and it is not destroy like the one he had earlier in the film and second when Captain America left the Prime MCU timeline he left with no shield.

Timeline 5 can be removed from the list if Marvel come forward and tells us who Peggy’s Husband was within the Prime MCU timeline or if Captain America decided to retire.

Now with the timelines laid out I will address why I have not created a timeline for when the Reality Stone went back to its normal time as within the film there are no events that happened within Endgame that could truly change what does happen within Thor The Dark World as the Stone is taken out of Jane Forster without any problem and could have be placed back in her without any problem. Yes I will also address why The Reality Stone was still in it stone form when Captain America left to take it back and not it liquid form and that is really simple, when Rocket took the Aether out of Jane the Avengers would have had to change it into the Stone just like Thanos had to do in Avengers: Infinity War and if they were able to do this then return it to how it was before shouldn’t be a problem.

So before I close this post out today let just quickly cover three questions.

How do we know Multiple timeline or Realities are within the MCU?
The Russo Brother confirmed it within an interview as shown in the link

Does Captain America have to follow the path I laid out earlier to still get his future with Peggy Carter? 
No I just found it easier to follow when creating the theory

Could there be more realities or timelines?

Possible but that is for the MCU to explore or create.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Did I Miss the Memo?

The reason for today’s blog I have begun to notice a trend as of late that sees people that are younger than me, the same age as me or even older than me all getting married, engaged or even thinking about having children. I know when it comes to those that are older than me are more likely to get married or have a child compared to those that are younger than me due to the fact that they have had the chance to experience the world that we live in but those of the same age as me or younger I find it really hard to understand it.

Now before I go on you mind be asking where am I getting my information from, well it is from Facebook whenever I decide to check it. Facebook is one of the biggest social media websites out there at the minute but due to a lot of the chances that have been going on with it as of late I have begun to us it a lot less nowadays to the point of me using it two to three times a week but I am digressing so let’s get back on to topic.

So that you can better understand the problem I have I will take a few minutes to give you some of my personal information. I am at the tail end of my twenties currently in a relationship that yes I can see it going somewhere in the future but I feel that I am not ready in any shape or form to go down that path of having children or even thing about getting married yet. I also believe that if you want to get married or have children you should at least have the following three things. Have a well paying job that you enjoy, own your own place and be with someone that you truly love.

With that said I just can’t understand why some people are in such a ruse to get married or to have a child when they don’t even have any of what I have said above. How can you marry someone when you aren’t living on your own together, why would you keep a baby that you can’t afford or even less from someone that you had sex with once?

I understand that money doesn’t bring happiness but at the same time wouldn’t you want the best life possible for your child to grow up in or even to be able to spend time alone with your partner when you are together? I could understand someone going down this path to start a family or getting married if they have at least one maybe two of what I have said earlier but to have none of them I just can’t understand.

You could try to break it down by saying that I am old fashioned or even that I am afraid to commit to any relationship due to what has happened in my past but what did I miss that everyone else found and understood better than me?

All I seem to be doing at the moment is ask more questions about this than me giving any answers to them due to the that I just don’t have any. All I can hope for is that those that have decided to go down this path don’t end up getting devoiced or having a kid that is out of control.

So until Next time.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Ignorant world

When writing blog’s I try to stay away from any rants that I want to go on because I believe that some of my message or help might get lost with the rant but I believe that for once I may have to rant about this topic, the topic in question is S&B day and for those unaware of what this is I will take some time to talk about it and explain what I have wrong with it.

S&B day is widely known as Steak and Blowjob Day and this is where women give there other halves a Steak for Dinner and a Blowjob for dessert. This day was created by a fucking idiot called Tom Birdsey who used all forms of multimedia to get his message out that men should be given something back for all their hard work for Valentine’s Day (I should make the point that if you felling like that then why are you dating in the first place?).

If you haven’t already guessed I dislike everything about this on multiply levels and below are my reason and explanations.
  1. It demeans women
The reason that I say this is because of the following quote that can be found on the Facebook page “Men work extremely hard to satisfy their lovers on Valentine’s Day”. To me this implies that woman should pay men back for everything they have done for them on Valentine’s Day. To me this is a narrow-minded and doesn’t take into account the bigger picture which leads me into the following point.

  1. You shouldn’t be showing your love for one another once a year
As I have said multiply times when I have spoken about relationships in past blog, I have said that if you are with someone then you should be showing one another that you love one another even if that is by saying that you love them, complementing them in the way they look and what you like about them, doing something that the other is not expecting or just by sleeping with one another. And this is where I ask the question to Tom Birdsey (the idiot that created the whole thing), have you ever taken the time to look at your past relationships and asked yourself have you done what I have outlines above or has your partner done something similar to you?

  1. Have you taken a moment to see what your other half did for you on Valentine’s Day?
Now a lot of place will make out that Valentine’s Day is all about the man doing something for the woman but if you look around and listen to people around you, you will find out that it is not that black and white anymore. Yes men do treat their other half to something on Valentine’s Day but at the same time woman have also done something for the men in their life too. Examples of this have been women going out buying new outfit and lingerie for that evening to spice thing up or getting them something in return. For me I believe that Tom Birdsey didn’t take any of these on board when creating his Steak and a Blowjob Day because to me I get the impression that he believes that women should be giving this to him anyway.

  1. And there is another way to show your love other than this day.
And lastly we come to what I would call the crown jewel of this all, if Tom Birdsey had done any research before he went to the media and asked for the world to follow him in this fucking demeaning day he would have seen that there are countries around the world that follow up Valentine’s Day with another day which is twenty eight days later on March the 14th. A good example of this is over in Japan where they have White Day, where Men that have received gift on Valentine’s Day return the favour on March 14th.

If you haven’t already guessed it, I believe that this whole Steak and a Blowjob Day should be forgotten about completely and my reasons have been listed above but at the same time those that agree with this day need to really look at what they are doing in their relationship to beginning with. If you really want to do something after Valentine’s Day then all I can suggest is that you follow up that day with something that you have planned for both of you or even go as far as doing everything that I have listed in point 2.

So until Next time.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Showing your love on Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day and like most countries around the world each one has its own way of celebrate the day. A good example of this would be my last years post that talked about the way in which the Japanese celebrate today but that is not the reason that I am here talking to you about Valentine's Day, no today I want to talk about what I have experienced and what I have seen when it comes to Valentine's Day.

To start with I will begin with those that dislike the day; a lot of people have said that they do not believe in today because they believe it to be nothing more than a Hallmark day (card companies just created the day to make lot of money). Yes I once believed that and I can also understand why people might think that, they could be thinking this because one they could have had a disappointing Valentine's Day before or maybe they could have planned sure a nice day for the person they love and a week before they could have been dumped. Those are just some of the examples that I can come up with but this one could also be linked into what I am able to talk about next.

Next is one that I have seen happen a lot over time and one that is to dump or end a relationship with their significant other today. I can only believe that this is the coward's way out of a relationship because some people believe that today gives them the excuses to tell someone else that that have had their eye on for some time that they really like them and that they want to end their current relationship to start this one with them (here's a hit, go grow yourself a pair of balls and tell them when you first get the felling that you don't want to be with them). If you haven't already guessed it already this is the one that I hate the most and is one that I can say that I have never done before and have no intention of doing because if you feel that you don't want to be in a relationship at the time don't wait until today say it.

Lastly I want to talk about the one which is more likely to happen today and that is we're two people wake up and express their love for one another on this day or when they get home after work. This is the one that I hope a lot of people will experience today because it will show how much you love one another and how much though you have given the day (unless you have said otherwise). Now the drawback to this is a double edge sword because it could tick every box that you were hoping for and more while at the same time it may not come any were near what you were expending (I know that this can happened to me before) which could also be linked to what I said a moment ago about not liking today.

The thing to remember when it comes to Valentine's Day is that planning in advance is the key to how well a day like today goes and showing your love on just one day a year is not good enough, you should be showing your significant other that you love them or want to be with all the time

I hope that you all have a good Valentine's Day and until next time.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Why the 2DS is a good idea

Last week Nintendo told the world that they would be creating a new version of their successful handheld the 3DS by creating a 2D. Now as it has become common these days fan’s of Nintendo and the media alike went on a massive campaign to dismiss this discussion and say that there was no point for Nintendo to do this, this is where I am going to tell you that you are wrong and to spend a bit of time reminding why Nintendo has done this.

The one thing that a lot of people seem to have forgot is that when the 3DS was announced everyone was excised for this new handheld and couldn’t wait to get their hands on the system but when it finally did arrive it had a uphill battle to get where it is today. People complained about the price of the handheld to the lack of games and parents that had bought the handheld had to return it because they believed it was not safe for their kids to play.

Now that the handheld has had a price cut and also has a library of games that people want to play the handheld is doing well and a lot of the problems that the handheld had when it was released have all been resolved in some form or another but the biggest problem that Nintendo still had was how do they get kids under a certain age to play a handheld that is not save for them to play, there solution was to create the 2DS.

Now I know that a lot of people will say that you can turn the 3D off by pulling the 3D sliders down on the handheld but thing about it for a minute, if you have a kid under the age of seven with a 3DS and you tell them that you can only play the handheld if you turn the 3D off do you really think the kid will do that? If you answer is yes then you are mistake, kids love to do things that they are told not to do and by creating the 2DS you solve this problem and allow all those kids to play all those great games that they haven’t been able to play in the last two years.

Yes I do have to admit that I don’t really like the shape or the look of the 2DS because I have become accustom to the way of just closing my 3DS, DS or Game boy Advance when I have finished playing to save battery power and come back to it later when I can carry on or save, but even knowing this I can still see why they gone with this design. The reason they went for this design is so that parents can see what their child is up at all time and if they are going something they can spot it.

It has also become accustom these days to moan about something before you actual see why that have done this or you have had a chance to think about it, yes the news media know that by riding on this wave of negativity they can get the more views than if they try to tell everyone why this is a good idea. So the next time when something is announce think about it for a moment or two and then make your judgement and don’t base your judgement on someone else either.

Until Next Time.