First of all before reading this I would like to remind people that this theory will contain spoilers for Avengers Endgame as I will be talking about the ending of film and how I believe the MCU will now look after the film.
With that said this is your spoiler warning.
So what is my theory
My theory is that by the end of the movie there are at least 5 timelines or realities running within the MCU that we are aware of. Before outlining what these timelines or realities are let’s talk about why I believe this. Within the film there are three sections within the film that they talk about how time travel works.
The first one is when the Avengers and Ant-Man were talking with the Professor Hulk about time travel when he examples that if you go back in time you will not change your present as you going back in time will mean that your present will become your past and you past becomes your present.
The second and third times are back in 2012 New York when Banner goes to the location of the Time Stone and speaks with The Ancient One who tells Banner that by taking the Time Stone from her time it would create a new reality from the current timeline and that for time to continue as normal they would need to return the Stones back to the point in time that they left.
With that laid out what are the 5 timelines or realities and what makes them all different. So that they are easy to follow they will follow this example (timeline number: Name given to them: Film that the changed happened). Once I have said what they are I will then give evidence as to why this timeline has been created.
Timeline/Reality 1: Prime MCU: Covers all the films in the MCU including Endgame
Timeline/Reality 2: World without Thanos: Guardians of the Galaxy
Timeline/Reality 3: Loki on the lose: Avengers
Timeline/Reality 4: Space Stone: After Captain America: The First Avenger before Captain Marvel
Timeline/Reality 5: Steve Rogers future: After Captain America: The First Avenger
So with the 5 timelines or realities laid out you might be asking why are there another 4 timelines and what makes them different to to the the Prime MCU timeline and my evidence are based on two point within the movie. First being the fact that Thanos has come to 2023 from 2014 and if you have seen the movie you know what happened next and the second is the scene right at the end of the film just before Captain America goes back in time to the point in which the Stone were taken. It is at this point you see a suitcase that holds all the Infinity Stones and this is important because the Tesseract and Loki Scepter are not with Captain America when he leaves but you do see that all the Infinity Stones are in their Stone forms. With that in mind the Avengers have no way to recreate Loki Scepter before the Stone was taken out and no way to recreate the Tesseract. With this information there is no way that two out of the six Infinity Stone can return to their points in time the way they were when they left and because of this it will have a knock on effect for the rest of the MCU.
Now based on what I have just said you might be asking shouldn’t this also count for the Power Stone as the container that it was in was not with Captain America when he opens up his suitcase to show the Stones? You are correct but when the Power Stone does go back you also have to take in to account other factors as well but I will go into more detail around these when I go other the timeline that covers the Power Stone.
For these timeline or realities to come into affect you have to work on the bases that Captain America went to each timeline in reserve order from which they have been taken from with Captain America staying in the past being his last stop. So Captain America time travel path should be 2014 to drop off the Soul and Power Stone, 2013 the Reality Stone, 2012 Time and Mind Stone, 1970 for the Space Stone and then finally Captain America meeting up with Peggy Carter.
So let breaks down What makes each timeline / Reality are and what event caused the Timeline to be created and why they don’t follow the Prime MCU Timeline.
Timeline 1: Prime MCU
This is the main MCU timeline and everything that has happened within with MCU films has happened and nothing has been changed due what was said by Professor Hulk along with Banner and The Ancient Ones within Endgame
TImeline 2: World without Thanos
Set in 2014 just at the start of Guardians of the Galaxy, Rhodey and Nebula take the Power Stone from it resting place while Black Widow and Hawkeye go after the Soul Stone with Thanos leaving 2014 to come to 2023.
This timeline/reality is created the moments the Avengers arrive here due to the two Nebula’s being connected and Thanos being alerted to the avengers plan and using the time that it took for Hawkeye and Black Widow to get the Soul Stone to collect up his focus so when Nebula from 2014 returns to 2023 and used the Time device to call Thanos focus through to 2023 for the events in Endgame to take place.
Knowing this when Captain America does come back to this time to return the Stones history has already been changed creating this timeline or reality which in turns means that the Guardians of the Galaxy movie will play out different along with Thanos never being a threat again meaning that Avengers: Infinity War would never happen.
Timeline 3: Loki on the lose
Set in 2012, Captain America, professor Hulk, Iron Man, Ant-Man go after The Tesseract, Loki Scepter and the Time Stone. The Time Stone is collected without any problems, Loki does a Runner with the Tesseract and Loki Scepter is collected.
This timeline or reality is created due to three reason, one Loki got aware with the Tesseract as seen in Endgame which means that Thor and Loki do not go back to Asgard with the Tesseract, Captain America from 2023 informed Hydra he is with them and lastly Loki Scepter is not what it was like at the end of the Avengers Movie as the Mind Stone has been removed from it.
With all that said this means that Thor can’t start Thor The Dark World on Asgard with Loki in prison as he is somewhere else within the universe, Hydra believe that Captain America is with them which could mean that the events leading up to Captain America: The Winter Solider could play out differently. Lastly Shield and Hydra will now have the Mind Stone outside Loki Scepter which come mean that it is used in a different way to which it was leading up to start of Avenger: Age of Ultron.
Timeline 4: Space Stone
In 2012 Captain America and Iron Man go back to 1970 to get the Tesseract and more Pym particles which they accomplish.
Captain America comes back to this time period with just the Space stone and not the Tesseract.
The change in this timeline is very similar to Timeline 3: Loki on the Loss as when Captain America bring back the Space Stone the case that surrounds the Space Stone (The Tesseract) has been destroyed and because of this Captain America is only returning the Space Stone which means that when Shield go about researching the Tesseract they now will be looking at the raw component of this which is the Space Stone which will result in how Project Pegasus plays out in Captain Marvel and what weapons shield crates in Avengers as both these films are bases on the energy realised from the Space Stone and not the Space Stone itself.
Timeline 5: Steve Rogers future: After Captain America
This is were Captain America goes back in to the past to live out his live as outlined at the end of Endgame.
I will be up front with this timeline due to the fact that we have no idea what Peggy Carter life was like between Captain America: The First Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Solider and what we did see didn’t show much about her personal life and because of this anything that I say in this timeline will be based on assumptions.
The biggest questions we have and were not explained in the film when Captain America went back in time and if he made any changes to the past.
When it comes to the date I am going to make the assumption and say it was the date that Captain America and Peggy Carter chose at the end of Captain America: The First Avengers and I only believe this due to the fact that Captain America said at the start of Endgame that he couldn’t move on and that he looked upset at the post credit scene of Captain America: The First Avengers about missing his date.
Now if you take this into account the next question we have to ask is will Captain America do anything to change the timeline with the knowledge he has or will he just sit back and allow time to follow it’s normal course. I believe that Captain America would do what he could to made the world a better place for him and his future wife and the reason that I believe this is due to one of the last screens in Endgame when Captain America reappeared in the Prime MCU timeline and hands over his shield to Sam Wilson (Falcon) and it is not destroy like the one he had earlier in the film and second when Captain America left the Prime MCU timeline he left with no shield.
Timeline 5 can be removed from the list if Marvel come forward and tells us who Peggy’s Husband was within the Prime MCU timeline or if Captain America decided to retire.
Now with the timelines laid out I will address why I have not created a timeline for when the Reality Stone went back to its normal time as within the film there are no events that happened within Endgame that could truly change what does happen within Thor The Dark World as the Stone is taken out of Jane Forster without any problem and could have be placed back in her without any problem. Yes I will also address why The Reality Stone was still in it stone form when Captain America left to take it back and not it liquid form and that is really simple, when Rocket took the Aether out of Jane the Avengers would have had to change it into the Stone just like Thanos had to do in Avengers: Infinity War and if they were able to do this then return it to how it was before shouldn’t be a problem.
So before I close this post out today let just quickly cover three questions.
How do we know Multiple timeline or Realities are within the MCU?
The Russo Brother confirmed it within an interview as shown in the link
Does Captain America have to follow the path I laid out earlier to still get his future with Peggy Carter?
No I just found it easier to follow when creating the theory
Could there be more realities or timelines?
Possible but that is for the MCU to explore or create.
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