Tuesday, 11 June 2013

E3 2013 Press events so far

As the title of this blog says I will be having a look at the press events that have been shown so far from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. As a side note, I am aware that Nintendo do have other events planned throughout the rest of this week but I am so far only talking about what has been show thus far as of Nintendo Direct 11/06/13 3pm.

If we look at Microsoft there was one thing that they did very well and that was showing us the exclusive and new IP’s titles that they have coming to their new console which is good because it shows that they are going to do something different, plus if you saw their reveal event you know that they had to do something to get those that play games interested in there console. Yes the biggest question that everyone came away with when the conference end was the price of the item which yes is a bit pricey but then again I have never been someone that buys a console at launch due to the lack of games at the start.

When it came to Sony’s press conference there was one question that I had by the end of the show and that was why was your conference make up with 90% of multi-platform games, yes you may have exclusive content for some of those game but where are your own games that I can only get on your console that will get me to by your console when it is released (yes that is also aimed at Microsoft but they didn’t have as many as Sony). If there was one thing that Sony did give everyone by the time you left was the fact that Sony was going to do everything you want it to without all the Microsoft ball shit, which is good because it brings back the whole console wars like the good old of Nintendo and Sega ads.

As for Nintendo they did everything that I believe was wrong with this year’s E3 and what I mean by this was the fact that they were playing it safe. This isn’t always a bad think but it seems to be the tread most years with each conference from each company having more of what we had the last time. There was once a time when Nintendo E3 Conference always had something new and interesting to look forward to but this year they gave us reincarnation of games that we have already played. Examples of what I mean are as followed Halo from Microsoft, Infamous from Sony and Mario Kart 8 from Nintendo.

At the end of this round of press conferences each one did everything that they were told to do by us, Microsoft showed us the games we wanted to see, Sony should us the box and what it is going to do differently to Microsoft and Nintendo showed us the games we want to see on Wii U and 3DS.

This comment may come across as something that a fan boy might say but when it comes to games Nintendo and Sony could have learned something from Microsoft conferences this year in showing us some new IP’s that could get us interest in their console. A great example that I would like to us is the fact that Retro Studios has been working on Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze for three years. Now this may come across as me having a little bit of a rant but three years on a game that looks almost like the last one with some miner chances has really pisses me off, I was hoping that within the three years they could have come up with a game that looks like this and something completely different but instead we get a rehash of a game that has already been released.

I know that the chance of Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony reading this blog is very slim but as a person that has been playing games from such an earlier age I have only got one request for this next generation of console and game to be released. Stop creating games that are the same as the last instalment with minor chances and create something new and better from what has already been created before.

Until Next Time.

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