I do hope that everyone has had a wonderful Christmas
and I am guessing that you are all now getting ready for New Year Eve but
before we even get there I would like to take some time to look back at some of
the good things that have happened this year.
The main events for everyone are two of biggest events
to happen within the United Kingdom and will be on the top of everyone’s list
and those are the Queen’s Jubilee and the Olympic games as a whole, to me these
two events weren't that big for me due to the fact that I have never been into
sports and I never liked the idea of having the Olympics coming to this country
to bring with. When It came to the Queen’s Jubilee I was happy to hear that she
had made sixty years on the throne and I do hope that I can see history when
she becomes the longest reigning monarch but that is some time off but getting two extra bank holidays that I felt like where just two normal days to me with a
lots of rain was something that I felt wasn’t as a bigger deal as everyone else
One news story this year that disappointed me the most
was to do with Lance Armstrong and him losing all seven of his Tour De France
titles, for years Lance Armstrong had battle Cancer and continued to train
and win races only to be accuse year after year that he used performance
enhancing drugs when he was tested at the end of each race and was cleared of
them. To me this should never have happened and I will always believe that he won
those seven Tour De France races.
The last think that most people well member about 2012
was the release of a fan fiction called Master of the Universe (Fifty Shades
Trilogy) that has now allowed book shops to carry mild porn novels on their
shelves (The less I say about this the better it will be for all of us).
The last news related story that was a big deal this
year for me and I hope everyone else remembers it, is the death of Neil
Armstrong, the first man on the moon.
Now that I have covered the main stories that everyone
will remember this year I will now take some time to look at some stories that
weren’t that main stream that I will remember 2012. The first two that I wish
to have a look at where two televisions show that came to an end this year.
The first on my list was Chuck and for those that have
not seen or heard about it, in short it is about a nerd that becomes a
government spy and falls in love with his handler Sarah. I will be honest with
everyone that when the first series came out I watched it and wanted to know
what happened next but due to the fact that I was then unable to watch the rest
of the show due to the person I was dating at this point in my life I had only
started re-watching the show from the beginning when the fifth and final series
began, so I was lucky neither to see the show from the beginning to end and the way
in which it end was great for me because it was left open for the fans or the
creators to continue the story the way in which they want to.
The next show that came to an end was Eureka and this
was a show that I made sure I watched every episode when it came on and I just
loved every part of it. The shows cancellation came out of the blue last year
but it wasn’t until this year that the show ended and like Chuck it finished on
a high as well as coming full circle, if you want to know what I mean then go
watch the show from the beginning to the end and you will see what I mean.
This year I was unable to watch as many films as I
wanted to but I hope to correct this going into next year but the films that I
did see I would recommend you to go and see them. The first three on my list
consist of three films that I wanted to see in the cinema but only ended up
seeing two of them, when I first heard about The Hunger Games I wasn’t too sure
about the film but after seeing the first trailer I knew that I was going to
like this film and after seeing it in the cinema I just couldn’t wait to see
what will happen next (plus when I get some money I will be buying these books).
The next film on the list is the highest grossing film
of the year and that is the Avengers Assemble, if you are like me and have
enjoyed the Marvel films so far you will love this film and if you haven’t seen
it I think you should go get the DVD and watch the film right now.
The last film in this group and the only film that I
didn’t see in the cinema was director by the same person that did the Avengers
Assemble movie, the film was called Cabin in the Woods and let’s just say this
isn’t your normal horror movie. When I first say the trailer I knew that it was
going to be something different and as soon as it came out on DVD I watched it
and enjoyed every minute. Best way I can describe this movie is a horror movie
that is unlike any horror movie you have seen before plus it has as massive
The last three films that I saw this year were all
movies that to me where done very well but at the same time were not received
very well by the public. The first of the three was Prometheus which is a
prequel to the Alien movie which was created by Ridley Scott but shows you the
events that lead up to the Alien movie but then goes in a completely different direction
which is good. If you liked Alien then you should go pick up this up on DVD.
The Last film that I saw in the cinema that wasn’t
reviewed very well was Looper. Now the reason that I enjoyed this film was
because it actually got me thinking at the end and also because I very much
enjoy time travelling films, it was also nice to see Bruce Wills playing a bad
Now the last film that I saw from this year’s
collection was Total Recall, now it has been sometime since I have seen the
original so to a point I went in blind when I bought the DVD last week to watch
but I really enjoyed the cast and the way in which the story went. The film
isn’t as bad as everyone has made it out to be but if you are unsure then I
would say wait a month or two to buy it at a cheaper price.
As a whole this year hasn’t been as bad as everyone has
believed it to be, the world is still here and we are still over populating as
we normally do. If there is one thing that I have learned over the years is we have the power to make a year good or bad. I know that personal
issue do fact into it a lot but at the end of the day it is you that has the
choice to make your life and year into what you want, plus there are events and
other forms of entrainment to help you out too.
For those that have been reading my blog I hope that
you have a good New Year’s Eve and New Years Day and if there is one think that
I want you all to take away for this blog is that you control what next year is
going to be like.
Until next time