Friday, 16 November 2012

If you want it, earn it.

Now I should point out that this topic at times could be classed as a rant and that everything here is of my own opinion, you might not like it so take this as your warning.

As you might have noticed by the title of today’s topic I am going to be talking about something that has annoyed the hell out of me and my friend for quite some time and what I believe we should do to solve this problem. When me or my friend happen to go out some evening we end up talking about the way the world is run and why people believe that they can do what they want when they want without thinking about the bigger picture or consequences of their actions.  

I believe that the reason this gets on our nerves so much is the fact that we work our ass off to make a life for ourselves without taking anything from the government, yet others tend to think that they have the right to do nothing and get everything from the government and one way they believe that they can do this is by getting pregnant.

Men and woman a like believe that if the woman gets pregnant they can get everything given to them on a sliver platter. For me and my friend we both know quite few people that have done this and to a point it really annoys us, why should someone that has no interest in going to work and making a life for themselves have the right to fall pregnant and then get everything they want from the government.

Both of us have agreed that this has to stop because if allow this to continue we can think of at least two outcomes that we both don’t like the sound off. One outcome would be that we will end up creating another generation of children that believe by doing nothing get them everything they want and second the population of the planet will still increase to a point where it will be almost impossible for us to sustain it. A good example that I could us is that if you look at our country for a moment you can see that we struggle to build enough homes in are local areas.

I have decided to things one step fever and have come to the decision that the best way to solve these problems is to change the way in which the benefits are hand out of those with children. My first solution would be to introduce an agreement in which it states that if you both wish to start a family you will need to sign this said document and have prove that the two of you own or private rent a property with both your names on the agreement or ownership papers and that you have been living together for more than two years. The document should also state that if one of you does decided to end the relationship the one that asked for the relationship to end should pay the amount that you were original given in benefits with an addition 50% on top for child support.

This document may sound a lot but in the short fall it makes sure that you are both ready as a couple to start a family and second can prove that you have the ability to look after yourself and the new additions to the family.

Now the only exception that the agreement will allow is if you do fall pregnant and haven’t sign the agreement but have been living together for more than a year you will have up to six weeks from the date you find out which must be less than eight weeks into the pregnancy to sign the agreement agreeing that you both want to have this baby. I should stress the fact that if you do not sign the paper or only one of you agrees to the birth of the child you will not receive any benefits and will be ask to have an abortion. If this is your first then the NHS will do it for free but any other ones you will have to pay a percent of the cost.

You are probably wondering why am I being so hash on the whole subject, It’s very simple we have the ability and services available within the NHS already to prevent pregnancy which are free or come at a small cost for both men and women, so us them.

Now if you are unable to prove any of the above points and you do happen to still fall pregnant then you will not be entailed to anything so those of you that still live at home and are pregnant because you didn’t use family planning services then you will be ask if your parents want to look after the baby and if they don’t agree then you will have to have the baby terminated.

Yes a lot of what I have said is hash but something needs to be done with the current state of benefits and the increasing of the population because to me it’s getting out of hand. Those that are angry at what I have said and believe that I come from a rich family, I would like to make something very clear, I have had to work for everything that I own and there were times while I was growing up that my family struggled to get by each month and I have had to help in any way that I could and I didn’t mind it.

Hand outs from the government are there for when you are in trouble and have no where else to go and this is how things should be not how it is at the moment where every Tom, Dick and Larry get everything for free. If you want a family show that you can support and are ready for the reasonably that comes with it, don’t just pass it on to the government or NHS for a mistake that you could have prevented.  

Until next time.

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