Thursday, 19 July 2012

Fifty Shades Trilogy A.K.A Master of the Universe

Yes I am going after the must have book of the year that everyone must read (apart from myself. I also have no intention of reading these books and hopefully by reading this you may understand why.

First of I would like to point out that I do love the idea of people writing their own fan fiction basing on their much loved books, TV shows or games and that sometimes this can help lead them to write their own works.

The second thing I would like to mention is that I also don't have a problem with erotic books or books that contain sex in them because one it gives us an insight into what that characters sexual preference are and second it can also help us.

Now based on those two points alone I shouldn't have a problem with these books but that is we're you are wrong because my biggest problem is this is publicised fan faction which was based off someone else work which I dislike because it means that not much of the authors creative imagination was put into the book and second I believe that it doesn't have a last effect?

What I mean by a lasting effect is will those that finish reading these books continue to read books, and what do their read next, I don't really see the masses going on to erotic books. This was one of the biggest questions that I have with these books and myself I wouldn't know what to suggest  to them and I also believe that the book shops aren't quite sure either.

This is why I know that there are a hell of a lot better writes out there that have the ability to create better stories, worlds and characters and I strongly believe those writes should be getting more attention than this author.

The last thing that I will add is why does everyone want their very own Mr Grey? While I was thinking about this question I could only come to the my own conclusion (which may be wrong) that married couple aren't happy about they own sex life's and can't be bother to do anything about it so they fantasise about him instead, and those that are single keep going for what they believe is right instead of trying something new and exciting.

Until next time.

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