Saturday, 28 July 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

I should make a point here that there is a very high chance that this blog will contain spoilers from all of the Spider-Man films, so you have been warned.

Back in 2002 when Spider-Man first appear on our screen I discovered that I enjoyed this film and was looking forward to what the series would do next. The second film in the series took what the first film did well and made it better but unfortunately when the third Spider-Man premiered everything changed for me, I can still remember to this day how bored I was seating in the cinema watching this film play out.

The reason that I didn't like this film was because the story was too long winded, badly written and the acting just wasn't there as if it was forced. Once the film finished I said to myself that there was no way in which I would watch another Spider-Man sequel again because I didn't want to waste another three hours of my life again (even though I still do it with some films.

When I heard that they were rebooting Spider-Man series I wasn't going to hold my breath mainly because I had lost interest in the character as a whole and I also believed that it would be a disappoint but was I wrong.

As a whole the film was brilliant and like all films there are some parts that could have been done better to make the film even better. For me the pacing of the film could have been a bit better and the two examples of this would be right at the beginning and near the end of the film. The parts that I am talking about at the beginning is where it took so long to set up who Peter Parker was and how different he was from everyone. The same think is true at the end of the film where Peter got shot and make such to reinforce it but in the end it amount to nothing, all I will say is if you are going to spend time on reinforcing something then at least us it.

Apart from those two problems I really enjoyed the film and would recommend it to anyone.

Until next time. 

Monday, 23 July 2012

The Relay

Today marks the last week of the Olympic touch relay and for me I have a very good view from my front window on to the road in which the touch will be going down today. You might say that I am one of the lucky ones for being able to expense this from the comfort of my own house which is true but deep down something doesn't feel right.

Now the Olympics as a whole I don't have a problem with due to the fact that it brings most of the world together to show off their best athletes but it also shows a sign of unity. I should also like to point out that I have more respect for those taking part in the Paralympics than the Olympics myself due to the difficult road those men and woman have had to take to get here (but that is a blog for another time.)

You might have guessed that I do like the Olympics and Paralympics games and I don't have a problem with them being here and from the sounds of cheers outside my window I can see those down there don't mind either. This is a once in a life time experience and because of this you shouldn’t miss out  but if there is one thing that I may ask is will the games bring in everything it said it would?

Until next time?

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Fifty Shades Trilogy A.K.A Master of the Universe

Yes I am going after the must have book of the year that everyone must read (apart from myself. I also have no intention of reading these books and hopefully by reading this you may understand why.

First of I would like to point out that I do love the idea of people writing their own fan fiction basing on their much loved books, TV shows or games and that sometimes this can help lead them to write their own works.

The second thing I would like to mention is that I also don't have a problem with erotic books or books that contain sex in them because one it gives us an insight into what that characters sexual preference are and second it can also help us.

Now based on those two points alone I shouldn't have a problem with these books but that is we're you are wrong because my biggest problem is this is publicised fan faction which was based off someone else work which I dislike because it means that not much of the authors creative imagination was put into the book and second I believe that it doesn't have a last effect?

What I mean by a lasting effect is will those that finish reading these books continue to read books, and what do their read next, I don't really see the masses going on to erotic books. This was one of the biggest questions that I have with these books and myself I wouldn't know what to suggest  to them and I also believe that the book shops aren't quite sure either.

This is why I know that there are a hell of a lot better writes out there that have the ability to create better stories, worlds and characters and I strongly believe those writes should be getting more attention than this author.

The last thing that I will add is why does everyone want their very own Mr Grey? While I was thinking about this question I could only come to the my own conclusion (which may be wrong) that married couple aren't happy about they own sex life's and can't be bother to do anything about it so they fantasise about him instead, and those that are single keep going for what they believe is right instead of trying something new and exciting.

Until next time.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Friday The Thirteen

What could I  have been thinking when I decided to create a blog on Friday the 13th but then again I have never really be a superstitious person to begin with.

Whenever you mention this day to anyone you will hear straight away that it is bad lucky, but if you do any kind of research you discover there is reason behind this. Within five minutes of research I discovered two things, one being that Canterbury Tales says that Friday is an unlucky day and second that everything around us from time to mythology and religion have class twelth as a complete number and thirteen as  unstable number.

Based upon both those points you could say that it would make today especially unlucky but on the hand why isn't every Friday or the thirteen of every month unlucky then. My guess would be that we treat everyday as the same but on Friday the thirteen we become over careful thus creating the accidents we have.

All I can suggest to you all is let's just enjoy and treat today like any other.