In my last Blog I spoke about how I believed that woman
were superior in every way to men and I will continue to believe this but due
to recent events that have been playing out in the paper last week I decided to
bring this topic up. If you have been following the news you would have heard
that a woman claims that she is pregnant with Simon Cowell’s child. Now I am
not going to go into detail about this news article but instead I am going to
talk about taking reasonability when you do decided to sleep with someone
because all I seem to hear or read about these days is the number of people
that are having celebrity’s child or just having children in general.
My question to everyone is do people not realise that
having sex makes babies or are you just to dude to believe that because for
your information it does and that using some form of birth control might spot
this from happening.
It is the reasonability of both the male and female to
us some form of birth control it can’t be so hard of a man to carry a around a few
condoms in his pockets and the woman to have some form of birth control in
place before hand and if you are not one hundred percent sure about the
effectiveness of your birth control you can always carry a few condoms in your
hand bag. As they say not every form of contraception is one hundred percent
effective so if both are using contraception then the odds of you having an
accident will be reduced significantly.
Now the one story that did piss me off the most was the
woman that was demanding from the government a bigger house for her family
because she went on to have ten children, yes I am aware that she did say that
she was highly fertile but still doesn’t excess the fact that she could have
done something to stop herself from having more kids. Here’s an idea have you
through about using some other form of contraception or even asking your
partner to wear a fucking condom because somehow I don’t think you did.
It’s bad enough at the minute that our population is showing
no signs of slowing down and because of this fact alone I really feel sorry for
this generation and the following generation when it comes to finding a place
to live. I know that in England there isn’t enough housing to support the
current population but by the time we are able to the population would have
increased again.
To me the long term solution would be to place a cap on
families so that they can only have one child and make sure that there is a law
in place to support this. In the medium term parents need to at the age of
thirteen or earlier to start talking to their children about sex and to put in
place some form of contraception while they are living under your roof because
to me as long as they are living under your roof they are still your
responsibility. For the short term I would suggest that the dumb males that
don’t use a condom go out and buy some for your next sexual encounter and the
dumb women that giving the rest of the women a bad name go out and get yourself
on the pill, have an injection or have a Nexplanon implant placed in your arm
and if you are still not sure then go out and get yourself a box of condoms that
can be placed at the bottom of your handbag just encase you meet and stupid
male that hasn’t got any on him.
The last thing that I will say is that if you are rice
and famous and don’t want to have a court case that involves you trying to find
out if the child is yours, then go and have a vasectomy done, that way you can
fool about as much as you want and not have to worry about getting anyone
Until Next Time