Thursday, 30 August 2012

How could you not notice your makeup

Today I will be looking at something that for many years I have been trying to get my head round and from the title of this blog you might already know what I am going to be talking about.

Now I will be honesty and say that I don’t really know much about woman’s make up but I do have a belief that woman use makeup to enhance features and hide parts that they don’t like. Now if everyone took that information to heart then you could say that no one could go wrong when using makeup but that is where you are wrong because some women insist on placing too much on their faces and in the process making themselves look worse. (I do know that when it comes to Television and film you need to put more on but I will get to that in time).

Now what I mean by placing too much makeup on is when you look at someone and you can actually see all the makeup on their face, a good example that I would use is if you have ever seen the makeup advert that uses a golf ball and they cover it in foundation so that it turns into a pink ball. Now if I saw a woman walking down the street with that much makeup on I would start asking the question to myself about what she could be hiding under all that makeup. Now I do know that if you are working on camera you do have to wear a lot of makeup mainly because the bright lights that will strip away a lot of that persons features, so by wearing a lot of makeup you enhance their original features and make those watching see that persons face more clearly but I don’t see how this will help in real life.

Now don’t get me wrong I am not saying that women shouldn’t wear makeup all I am saying is that women should sometime think really hard about what they are trying to hide and enhance because if you don’t do it right you could end up being misinterpreting yourself.

 Until next time.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Massive Decision, Pandora's Star

Before I start with this blog I should warn you that there could be spoilers and points that will be looked at in future blogs(but I won't highlight them like last time).

I have always been a fan of well written and interesting stories but there was always one medium that I found really hard to get into and that was reading. You wouldn't have through that someone like myself would not have a problem but due to me being dyslexia and the fact that when I was younger I would get anger at myself and others when I couldn't read something.

Now that I am older, have more patience and the improvements in technology it has become easier for me to read books due to the fact that if I get stuck on a word I can type it into my phone and get the definition straightaway so that I can carry on but there was also one other item that helped me and that was a Peter Hamilton book called Pandora's Star

Back in 2005 the idea of me going into a book shop was unheard of but I was told by my mum that if I wanted more interesting stories then I should consider looking towards the idea of reading books, so that is what I did on a hot summers day.

When entering the book shop I decided that I would head towards the genre that I loved the most which is science fiction, upon arriving I couldn't believe how many books there were and I had no idea where to start until  I discovered a recommendation card on one of the shelf. Upon reading this card I knew straight away that I needed to have this book so that I could find out what really happened and where the story would take me.

It's hard to believe that the first book that I picked up, read and enjoyed since I left school would have this much of an impact. Every word that I read made me believe that this story, characters and the world was real and that I wanted to read on to find out what was going to happen to them all.

By the time I got to the end of the book I had this feeling that the human race may not survive the war and that the book was going to be left on a cliff hanger. The best thing about most cliff hangers is that if the story is written well  can leave the person trying to guess what the outcome is going to be, but lucky for me I only had to wait a day so that I could read what was going to happen next.

The joy of Pandora's Star and many of Peter Hamilton's works that I have read is that his stories are well written and interesting with twist that you wouldn't have suspected and that you can tell this is a story that he wanted to tell.

If you haven't already read any of his books then I would to recommend his The Commonwealth Saga, The Night's Dawn Trilogy and The Void Trilogy

Until next time.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Free Time and Gaming, The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask

Before I start this blog I should make a point that I love playing video games and I have done so for a very long time mainly because of the story and for that matter alone I have spend the last few years going from one story to the next. Now back in the day I used to buy games and play them over and over again if I loved the story or the game play mechanic, a good example of this to me would be my love of Sonic 3 and Knuckles (that is another blog for another time) when I was a child but today I want to take a look at The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask.

Now the main reason that I wanted to go back to this game was because I wanted to play a game that I really enjoyed (which is twelfth years old) and one of the first games that I bought with my own money when it was first released on release day. The second reason that wanted to go back and play this game was thanks to PeanutButterGamer (PBG) and his mask collection video’s that he has been posting on YouTube which are kind of fun to watch.(there will be a link at the bottom of this blog for both his channels)

Now the first thing that I should point out is that Majora’s Mask is a sequel to the 1998 hit that was The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time which in its self is a very good game but to me it isn’t as good as Majora’s Mask and that isn’t because it was released after it but because when you picked up the game and played it you kind of already know what is in store for you with the story but with Majora’s Mask it was a completely new story with lots of smaller stories that make you feel part of the game. The main selling part of this game is the fact that you have three days in which to save the land of Termina and that you can do it anyway you want to, plus there is a collection part to the game in from of collecting masks.

The main story of the game is to try and save the land of Termina before the moon crashes into it and to do this you must travel to the four compass points to free the giants in each location which in the end they will help you stop the moon. Then there is the side quest which adds another layer to the game and by completing these side quests they give you equipment that you may need later on in the game and secondly masks. As a whole the main story and side quests are quite dark but by completing them you feel like you have created some happiness and peace for those people.

Now some people have said that the reason they don’t like the game is because the story is too dark and the time mechanic, but I believe that these two parts working together is what make the game what it is. If the story wasn’t dark to begin with it wouldn’t fell like you are making difference to the world as a whole and second, if time was standing still it would mean that wouldn’t have to make the hard decision of what to do next. A good example would be do you go and help a young girl save her cows from the aliens or do you continue on with the mission. I should point out that you can do each side quest and main mission on their own by resetting the time but when you try and do everything at once it kind of makes the game harder, plus there are some side quest that if you complete do have an affect another.

If you are a gamer and haven’t already played this game I would recommend that you go and pick it up for the Nintendo 64 if you can find a copy or download it for the Nintendo Wii. You can get it on the Nintendo GameCube but only play it on the GameCube because if you do play the disk on the Wii there is a high probability that it will crash the game and make you start all over again (From what I have experienced in the past).

Until next time

P.S. Here is the link to PBG’s Majora’s Mask (Goron Mask Show) videos
Also A link to his main channel on You Tube

Monday, 6 August 2012

The way in which the Olympics have been handled

Two weeks ago I wrote about how the Olympics games had bought the whole country together and almost a week into them we as the general public are still enjoying them and cheering on are champions but today I want to take a look at why I have a slight distaste to the way in which it has been handled.

About two weeks before the Olympics kicked off I had a discussion about how they have been handled as a whole and what the finance benefit would be for hosting them and my points of view on both these subjects wasn't really appreciated. I originally said that "we as a country have not handle the arrival of the games very well because we as a country have been told to stay away from London, get earlier transport so that we can get to work and if needed to change are day to day routine and I believe that this was wrong". My reasoning behind this is that this is our country and we have every right to carry on with our normal day to day lives while also enjoying the games. In my opinion what they should have done is told us to be vigilant and to check the website for any chances and that was all.

Now when it comes to the finance side of the games I have always believe that there was always going to be more money spend on the games than we will be able to recoup and that it won't be "the get us out of recession" that everyone was hoping for.  To a large point I have been correct about this because if you have listened to the news in the last few days you would have heard that business are suffering and not making the money they were hoping for. I believe that there are two reason for this, one being that we the locals have been told to stay away which in turn as reduced trade and the second reason is that everyone that has come to the country for the games are so wrapped up in them that they don't have the time or the need to go shopping.

Let's just hope it does leave the lasting legacy that they hoped.

Until next time.